We are a non-profit organisation, striving to create an egalitarian society with freedom, equality fraternity and justice for all, in real terms. Trisharan Enlightenment Foundation is engaged in providing various types of services. With a field force of over 4500 spread across Maharashtra, we have the capability to reach hitherto untouched corners of the state. Through our organization we are implementing a variety of socially useful modern innovative activities. All conceptualised and created in-house.

Our Vision

An egalitarian society with real Liberty Equality Fraternity & Justice for all.

Our Mission

To create opportunities for the less privileged to enable them to enjoy the fruit of existence.

Our Community

Consists of freethinking members who are committed to a growth oriented, peaceful world order.

Our Initiatives

Our initiatives include Menstrual management training and counseling for adolescent girls, DWEEP
(Domestic Worker Education and Enlightenment Program), Project Jhalkari, Tree Planting
 and many more.



Awareness Programs

Menstrual management training and counseling for adolescent girls


Join Our Community!

If you would like to become a representative or activist of Trisharan Enlightenment Foundation and work as a “Vikasdoot”, visit www.trisharan.in or call +91-9766869869.

Our Events

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Plantation Program

In a project called ‘Ek Aathavan Aaplya Daari’, in 36 districts of Maharashtra, Vikasdoots planted trees in front of the doors of the victims of the Corona pandemic by providing emotional support, through the Vikasdoot Project, organized by Trisharan Enlightenment Foundation, Pune. By undertaking this undertaking, he planted more than 3000 trees and created a successful combination of protection of nature and relationships.

Menstrual management training and counseling for adolescent girls.

We go to schools, colleges, where girls are made aware about menstruation and the importance of hygiene. Menstrual management training and counseling for girls is conducted by Trisharan Enlightenment Foundation through trained women.

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Jhalkari is the first organization of trained female security guards in India to be created by women and run entirely by women. The security of women is one of the major challenges facing the country. Jhalkari are trained by the best security agencies in the country. Our goal is to create security guards who are loyal, upholding moral values and upholding the truth.

Plantation Program

In 36 districts of Maharashtra, in the ‘Ek Aathavan Aaplya Dari’ initiative, trees were planted by Vikasdoots in front of the house of the relatives of the victims of the Corona pandemic to provide emotional support. In this initiative, more than 3000 trees were planted and a successful combination of protection of nature and relationships was created. 

Menstrual management training and counseling for adolescent girls.

The program includes understanding the menstrual problems of adolescent girls, going to college and educating girls about menstruation, telling them its importance and the importance of hygiene. Menstrual management training and counseling for girls is conducted by Trisharan Enlightenment Foundation through trained women.